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Paw 3 1 101

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Improvements (in Paw 3.1.6) Adds support for Brotli and Zstandard compression; Adds a new Compression Dynamic Value to compress or decompress data; Displays the compression ratio in the HTTP Exchange Info tab; Extensions API (in Paw 3.1.6) Fixes the order of returned keys in dictionaries (e.g. Read real reviews and tire quality ratings from actual customers for Uniroyal Tiger Paw AWP3 tires, or help others find the best tires for their vehicle by submitting a Uniroyal Tiger Paw AWP3 tire review of your own. Paw definition is - the foot of a quadruped (such as a lion or dog) that has claws; broadly: the foot of an animal. How to use paw in a sentence.

Chapter One: A Star is Born

Adobe muse cc 2018. Suddenly a random tv turns on. 'Hello everyone, this CNN UK, my name is Rebecca Chambers and I'm here to tell you the breaking news. This afternoon there was rampaging red monstrous creature attacking the city, police were trying to stop the monster but to no avail with some random Dalmatians telling the police to stop shooting the terrifying creature, in other news a mysterious dog was found near the docks in an alley with a gunshot wound in his head with the gun found in his hand, no one has said anything about the mysterious dog but some say it might by a student that went to an all Anthro Highschool called High Paw High.

Crossover - 101/102 Dalmatians & PAW Patrol - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,520 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 7 - Published: 3/29 - Ryder, Chase Pups meet Balto by Bluewolfbat reviews. Crossover - 101/102 Dalmatians & PAW Patrol - Rated: K+ - English - Adventure/Friendship - Chapters: 2 - Words: 1,520 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 7 - Follows: 7 - Published: 3/29 - Ryder, Chase Pups meet Balto by Bluewolfbat reviews.

5 months earlier

'Back when I was just a pup I wanted to be a space researcher. When I grew up, my whole life and family legacy was built on being a space researcher, so that's what I wanted to do once I grew up.', said Jack.

Everyone clapped in unison praising their fellow classmate, 'Alright thank you Mr. Stargazer for your lovely presentation, won't anyone like to go next?', Mr. Foster asked.

Jack heads back to his seat and sits down, proud of himself. Then out of nowhere he gets tapped on the shoulder by his close friend. 'Dude, you should help me more often with my work. Don't ya think?' Tobias questioned.

The bell rang, 'All right class. That's the bell. Thanks to everyone who did their presentations on time and hope to see you again tomorrow for another wonderful class.', announced Mr. Foster.

Jack and Tobias quickly left the classroom entering the hallway.

'So you are doing football this year or are you going to chicken out this time?', Tobias teasingly asked.

Jack responded with, 'Tobias you know what happened last time I played. I got my leg broken and on top of that I got serious Brain damage which put me into a coma making me forget a lot. Dolly was worried about me, she was in my house for weeks and never went home. After that she didn't want me to do football anymore'.

'You still listen to that dalmatian girlfriend of yours over me dude?', Tobias asked leaning up against his locker.

'Duh of course I listen to my girlfriend, why wouldn't I? And please stop calling her a dalmatian. Calling her by her own breed is extremely rude, you know that.', Jack answered.

'Well at least you are not getting bullied for being in a previous relationship with Dante, Just imagine the whole football team finding out their 'All Star Quarterback' got his first kiss from a male dog.', Tobias brought up.

'Wow we're really gonna play that card right now, I loved Dante and I loved spending time with him but for some Reason I can't remember why I broke up with him. And yeah of course he was my first kiss, but I have no shame in saying that. It wasn't until I met Dolly is when my whole life changed.', Jack remembered in awe.

'I remember the day she confessed her feelings for me and I confessed too. It was my first time dating a female dog, we spent time together with her weird family, but I eventually got used to it over time.' Jack explained.

'Wow Jacky boy you've got a story to tell.', Tobias playfully teased. 'I'm honestly surprised that your parents haven't found out yet.'

'I was going to come out and tell them, but once I met a Dolly everything was history. Well anyways I have to go talk Dolly. I'll see you later dude.' Jack waved to his friend.

'Right see you Jack buddy ol pal.' Tobias nodded, leaving Jack and heading to the cafe to enjoy lunch.

'All right, off to the library for me. Dolly and I have a nice place in the back to read books even though she isn't much of a reader. She can sleep quite a lot for someone as energetic of her caliber'. Jack tells himself as he's walking towards the library.

Jack heads to the library and immediately goes into the back where he and Dolly do whatever, Only to find that she wasn't even there. At first he would've believed that she skipped out, but then noticed she was sleeping on top of a bookshelf.

'Hey Dolly, I don't think you're supposed to be on top of the bookshelf.', Jack anxiously said. 'It's not safe.'

'Oh Jack,' Dolly playfully rolled her eyes, jumping down from the bookshelf.

'Are you gonna tell me what you were doing on top of the bookshelf?' Jack asked in confusion.

'Uhhh sleeping. I had a big test today and all I can say is that I tried, And a girl gotta get her sleep.' said Dolly.

'Well it's kind of dangerous. Also weren't you the one who was worried about my health when I broke my leg at my final football game?', Jack added with concern. Calcbot the intelligent calculator and unit converter 1 0 6.

'Well yeah, but I was more worried about you smoking weed after practice but I want to know how you got it?.' Dolly mentioned.

'Well I kind of forgot cause I'm not doing it anymore, I promise. It's bad enough everyone hates me because I'm not joining the football team this year.' Jack frowned.

'It's good for your health to not get hurt Jack, I just can't bear to have you be put in a bad position again. Or end up getting put in the hospital.', Dolly said.

'Yeah you're right about that. I love you so much because you make bad days, happy days for me.', Jack romantically stated.

Dolly then kisses Jack on the lips and tells him.

'I love you too, you dork.', Dolly playfully nudged her boyfriend.

'Hey look, it's the mixed breed love birds!' shouted Mitch.

'I'm getting sick and tired of Mitch and his band of jerks making fun of us for loving each other.' Dolly stated angrily.

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'Yeah I don't get it at all to be honest. At least we're dogs if I were a human they would bully us until the end of time.', Jack said.

'Yeah that's true, so are you going to come to my house so we can do homework together?' Dolly asked.

'Maybe my parents don't want me out with friends, well not after they found the drugs which they are still mad at me about.', Jack said nervously rubbing his left arm.

'Well if you can, I really need the help.' said Dolly.

'Ok Dolly, I will text you if i'm coming or not, ok?', Jack raised an eyebrow.

'Ok.', Dolly nodded in agreement.

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Jack and Dolly then left the library to the exit doors of the school. After that Jack got onto his bike and left to go home.

After having traveled a couple a blocks, he got home which was a few blocks away from 101 Dalmatian Street. Jack then opens the door to see his parents in the living sitting on the couch, watching tv.

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'Hey Mom and Dad, how are you guys doing?' Jack greeted his parents.

'Fine son, Just thinking about how much money we got from our current jobs.', answered Mike, Jack's father.

'So how was school for you today? You're not getting bullied or anything are you?' asked Jacqueline, Jack's mother.

'No mom I'm doing great, I just got an A+ on today's presentation' Jack happily announced.

'Good to hear that son. Just make sure those A's stay A's' Mike told his son sternly.

'Yeah dad I know, I'm heading up to my room.' said Jack.

'Ok.' Mike and Jacqueline said together.

Jack walking up the stairs stops and says, 'Oh by the way, Can I go to my friends house to do homework tonight?' Jack politely asked.

'Sure, Just don't be out for too long we need you to be safe.' Jacqueline warned.

'Yeah mom, I know,' Jack said walking up the stairs.

Jack then Went to his room and laid on his bed calling dolly to tell her he was going to her house. 'Hey Dolly, my parents Said it's OK for me to come to your house,' said jack.

'Sick you better come soon my parents want to see you' Dolly said.

'did you forget that I already met your parents like two months ago?' Jack said, confused.

'No I didn't forget that, they wanted to see you again and also the pups' said Dolly.

'Oh, ok I will be there a bit,' said jack.

'Ok Jackie see you later' Dolly said jokingly.

Principle 3 10. 'Yeah bye love you' said jack.

Paw 3 1 101 Epizoda

Jack hangs up the phone laying in bed Concerned. 'Oh boy this is going to be a long day,' Jack said, getting his school bag heading out his room door and closing it.

Group classes are temporarily suspended due to COVID-19 but we are doing private lessons and will reopen group classes as soon as we can. Contact me or call me at 206-799-0521

Dog Overcome Fears

Dogs can be afraid of a number of things…loud noises, other dogs, strangers, riding in the car…it's natural to be afraid of some things. But you don't want Fido to be fearful all of his life, you'll want to help him/her overcome his fears.

Fears can be reduced and/or eliminated by counter conditioning. It is important that you approach this process with an attitude of calmness and patience. Remember…slow progress is progress!

It is also imperative that you get the sequence of monster/conditioner in the right order.

We'll use an over-simplified, hypothetical example to illustrate how to do this. This is the setup:

Think of someone who is terrified of spiders. This is a person who rarely eats chocolate, but LOVES chocolate. Spiders are the scary monster (to your dog this could be the car, another dog, a person wearing a hat, etc.). The chocolate is the counter-conditioner/reinforcer. Be sure to use a treat that is wonderful that your dog never gets unless the scary monster has appeared. (Do NOT feed chocolate, raisins or grapes to your dog.) You may find cheese, the Turkey Treats, boiled chicken or something else very special. If your dog refuses the treats, you need to find a treat of more value, and/or move the dog farther away from the 'monster'.

CORRECT Sequence of events

You point out a spider to the person. Be sure it is a long distance away so the person isn't overwhelmed. You then hand the person a piece of chocolate, tell the spider go away and it leaves. Repeat.

What does the frightened person learn? Spiders produce chocolate, a very good thing! Without conscious thought, the person, with repetition, begins to salivate for chocolate when they see a spider.

WRONG sequence of events

Hand the person a piece of chocolate then say, 'Oh, look there! There's a spider.'

This would teach the person that chocolate makes spiders appear! OH NO! This would be counter-productive to them overcoming their fear. It actually makes them afraid of the chocolate and the spider.

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Brave things to reward your dog for doing in the presence of a monster:

  • Look at you.
  • Look away from the monster.
  • Look at something or someone else.
  • Stop barking, even momentarily.
  • Yawning.
  • Shaking is if wet.
  • Pawing the ground.
  • Sniffing.
  • Taking treats.
  • Peeking (if hiding)

'Remember, if you do not make the conscious choice to be the Trainer…you are by default, the Trainee.'

As a dog trainer, I believe that the most effective method of dog training revolves around teaching your dog what you want them to do, how to behave, how to act in their environment, and what appropriate behaviors are, under given circumstances and situations.

Paw 3 1 101 Tip

If you're having a difficult time training your dog, don't have the time to train him properly, or you would like to learn along with your pup, Contact me or check out my family friendly classes.

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